Sweet Silver Lining

just watching the clouds…

We’re Having a Baby! February 26, 2012

Filed under: family — dragonfly180 @ 8:40 am
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I am just over 4 weeks pregnant and due November 1, 2012. I haven’t posted in a while, because I didn’t really trust myself not to say anything on here, even though I have been keeping a daily journal of all the goings-on since  February 8th. I just got a positive test result a few days ago, but I have known for a few weeks that something was definitely going on with my body. I seemed to have almost every pregnancy symptom in the book! I even bought a few baby things over a week ago at a gift shop. That’s how confident I was that a baby was on the way!

I know it seems early to be shouting this from the mountaintops. That’s something that I’ve actually struggled with a good bit since realizing what was going on with my body. I finally decided that no matter what happens, I want the support and prayers of my family and friends. Just as I expect to share in my joys with them, I am not afraid to suffer sorrows with them. Besides, I couldn’t spend the next month in fear and silence. This is a time for celebration, after all!

The first we told was my parents. I had a really rough time trying to get them to come over. My dad was tired from work and didn’t want to do any traveling. I finally persuaded them by telling them that I had a gift that I’d found the day before and wanted to give them, but I had to give it to them both or it’d just have to wait. So they came, and I handed them a little yellow gift bag with this inside:

My mom jumped up and down and hugged us after the she read the bib aloud to my dad, and I think you could have knocked my dad over with a feather. It was a sweet surprise for them. I messed up the surprise to Jamie, so I wanted to surprise someone! *lol* I had gotten two negative tests last weekend, which had really bummed me out, even though I knew it was too early to be testing. The morning I took the pregnancy test, I had planned to hand him this cute little rattle I’d bought and then the pregnancy test when it dawned on him. Well, I was so surprised to see the line that I came into the living room and asked him if he saw it, too! We still had a very sweet moment together, standing there in the kitchen looking at the test and hugging. Our lives are really about to change!


2 Responses to “We’re Having a Baby!”

  1. Bill Says:

    That is SO cool. Congratulations to you and Jamie….and grandma and grandpa, too!! :-)

    This year our “baby” girl will turn 21, one daughter will graduate from college in 2 months, one daughter will get married in August. Life is good, but I firmly believe that children make it SO much better.

    I will be praying that all goes well with your pregnancy, that you will enjoy the good and the not so good times, and that you and baby will be healthy.

    Best wishes always….Bill (and Jeannie….and Kelsey, Kayla and Shari, too)

  2. dragonfly180 Says:

    thanks so much, bill! glad to hear all yours are doing so well :o)

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